In the media

/ Television

BBC East Midlands Today

October 2024 > Ft. Miranda Cumberbatch & NEP Client

Green Grants Project (funded by Nottinghamshire County Council) - This piece calls on the government to expand green grants for poorly insulated homes to facilitate low-carbon heating installation. It highlights a Green Grant client who received free external wall insulation and solar panels, and a homeowner benefiting from the Boiler Upgrade Scheme for an air source heat pump installation.

BBC East Midlands Today

January 2023 > Ft. Will Pearson & NEP client

NEP Boiler Optimisation Project (funded by Nottinghamshire County Council) - this piece helps viewers save on their energy bills by simply turning down the flow temperature on a combi boiler. Will visits Julie, an NEP client to demonstrate how easy it is.

BBC East Midlands Today

March 2022 > Ft. Miranda Cumberbatch

The Energy Crisis - what it is and how it will effect households. The piece also features a Green Grant client who has benefited from free solid wall insulation.

BBC East Midlands Today

October 2021 > Ft. the NEP team

COP26 and NEP Climate Hub - this piece features the launch of the NEP Climate Hub in the Meadows. It also visit’s an NEP client who has benefitted from the free install of an air source heat pump.

/ Radio

BBC Radio Nottingham 12.03.2023

Description: CEO Miranda Cumberbatch joined Mark Dennison on BBC Radio Nottingham, discussing NEP’s role in transitioning Nottingham towards a greener future.

Miranda shone a light on NEP’s initiatives, such as practical workshops, theoretical workshops and informative resources, which enable more households across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to make energy saving measures through building education, understanding and resilience in the community.

/ Publications

August 2022

Source: Gedling Borough Council / Online

Residents benefitting from free home energy improvements

Want more info on the clients featured in this article? Visit their case study page.

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