Green Meadows
Green Meadows is a community climate action project based in the Meadows area of Nottingham.
It is an exciting 5 year initiative (which started in Spring 2021) funded by the National Lottery’s Climate Action Fund, and run by NEP and MOZES, a local community energy group.
The project aims to deliver real change in the area - bringing the community together to set up small, long-term initiatives like composting and growing groups, to practical installs of insulation and clean energy generation to local homes. All aspects have the shared goal: to act on Climate Change at a local level.
Hands on workshops (held at the NEP Climate Hub) will also up-skill Meadows residents giving them the tools and know how to install home energy upgrades in their own home.
Green Meadows is made up of 5 strands
1. Future-fit Homes
2. Knowledge Bank
3. Climate Champions
4. DIY Workshops
5. Ideas Fund