Green Meadows

Green Meadows is a community climate action project based in the Meadows area of Nottingham.

It is an exciting 5 year initiative (which started in Spring 2021) funded by the National Lottery’s Climate Action Fund, and run by NEP and MOZES, a local community energy group.

The project aims to deliver real change in the area - bringing the community together to set up small, long-term initiatives like composting and growing groups, to practical installs of insulation and clean energy generation to local homes. All aspects have the shared goal: to act on Climate Change at a local level.

Hands on workshops (held at the NEP Climate Hub) will also up-skill Meadows residents giving them the tools and know how to install home energy upgrades in their own home.

Green Meadows is made up of 5 strands

1. Future-fit Homes

Child and adult reading

2. Knowledge Bank

3. Climate Champions

4. DIY Workshops

5. Ideas Fund

Learn more about this project by visiting the Green Meadows website


Home Upgrade Grant (HUG2)


Home Energy Advice Team Hub