External Wall Insulation & Solar Panels
“I’m so grateful for getting it done. It’ll make such a difference over the next few years...without the panels (Solar PV), my bills would be through the roof.”
Name: Mrs B
Area: East Leake, Rushcliffe, Nottinghamshire
Measures: Free External Wall Insulation & Solar Panels
Additional Services: Registration to Priority Service Register
Savings: £21,989
Patricia’s Video Case Study Story
Mrs B is a 75 year old pensioner living in East Leake. Having lived in her property for over 36 years, Mrs B had noticed a sharp increase in her energy bills amid the cost-of-living crisis.
After receiving a letter from the Green Grants team, she was delighted to find she was eligible for both External Wall Insulation (EWI) and Solar PV.
About the improvements received
Mrs B received free EWI and Solar PV, meaning that she saved £21,000 on installation costs and could start saving £905 a year on her energy bills.
Why did Mrs B sign up?
Mrs B told us “I thought it sounded too good to be true to be honest”, but after speaking to the Green Grants team, she felt the scheme was explained very clearly and was happy to go ahead.
“Like everyone, I was concerned about the cost of my bills…getting the EWI and panels sounded like a great idea so I couldn’t say no!”
What did Mrs B think of the process?
Mrs B told us “There was quite a lot of mess, but I’m still very grateful it was done!”
We were happy to hear the site manager was very helpful, with Mrs B adding “If anything did go wrong, he was there straight away to put it right.”
The home feels a lot warmer, and stays warmer for longer. I don’t have to have the heating on in the morning anymore.”
Better insulated homes retain more heat compared to poorly insulated homes. This means less money needs to be spent on energy bills. The property was also suffering from slight mould and cold areas around her bathroom and porch. These have since cleared up after the installation of EWI
Does Mrs B feel like she has a better handle on her energy bills?
Although energy bills are still rising, the home improvement measures Mrs B received are helping to offset this.
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